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Project: Capacity Building for Children with Disabilities on Disability Related Challenges

Year: 2015
Target group: Primary school teachers and Children with Disabilities Location: Mazinyungu, Kilombero, Kilosa and Mvomero primary schools in Morogoro region.

Activity: Training Participants: 10 teachers and 30 pupils from 5 primary schools participated

Introduction: Although education is a universal right and non-discriminatory process to both healthy and physically challenged, children with disabilities (CWDs) in Tanzania continue to face challenges with affect their school enrollment, retention and completion.
Some of these challenges include; unfriendly school's physical infrastructures, long distance from home to school, the primary school curriculum which does not meet the needs of the CWDs according to their disability types, bullying from fellow children, isolation and stigmatization, denial of the rights to continue with education, negative traditional beliefs towards CWDs, lack of peace and security.

Training Aim: The aim of the training was to improve children with disabilities’ knowledge about their rights and capacity to address challenges associated with their disabilities.
Specifically the training aimed CWDs to enable teachers to enhance supportive environment for inclusive learning, improve CWDs knowledge on fundamental rights and also gain skills to address their challenges.
Additionally, the training focused on building capacities of CWDs on protection against abuse including when, where, how to report incidents of child abuse and violation of their rights.

Training Methodology: The training applied a range of facilitation methodologies that made the training participatory and interactive to children which enabled CWDs to open up and discuss issues, exchange ideas and understand the sessions.

Achievement: They self-confessed that the training helped the pupils to understand their rights, the challenges they face and how to address those challenges as well as to accepting and copping with disabilities. The primary school teachers improved knowledge on inclusive learning and how to address challenges related to pupils with disabilities in their schools.

Wayward: Teachers to ensure that CWDs access their fundamental rights, inclusive education and support them to overcome challenges related to disabilities.

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