123 Pamba Street, Morogoro, TZ info@seedtrust.or.tz
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About Us

Social and Economic Empowerment of the Disadvantaged Trust.

Social and Economic Empowerment of the Disadvantaged Trust, commonly known as SEED Trust, is a non-government operated organization. It was founded in 2004 with the goal of helping improve the quality of the life of persons with disabilities, and disadvantages persons. SEED Trust was legally registered in 1919 with a registration no .

Magret Mkanga, Founder

Our History

SEED Trust was found by Hon. Margaret Mkanga who has vast experience of social and people with disabilities issues through working in forums in Tanzania and also being a person with disability herself since she was born. As a former secondary school teacher for several years and an activist for PWDs, she has an opportunity to manage different positions representing people with disabilities. She was also a parliamentarian representing PWDs in the Parliament of the Republic of Tanzania for 15 years. Through all these forums she was able to gain experience and learn socio-economic and rights challenges and problems facing societies and PWDs in Tanzania and outside the county.

Vision, Mission and Values and Goal

Our Vision Statement

SEED Trust envisions a society in which persons with disabilities (PWD) and the vulnerable people access full inclusion and participation in their community development throughout their lifetimes.

Our Mission Statement

To unleash this inclusion SEED Trust empowers PWD and underprivileged persons, creates an enabling environment and fosters inclusive and meaningful participation.


The goal is to enhance the rights, protection and improve quality of life of PWD and underprivileged

Our Core values

  • Inclusive
  • Respect and Equality and Dignity
  • Putting people with disability at first
  • Trust and Honesty
  • Compassion
  • Transparency

Geographical location

SEED Trust head office is in Morogoro Municipality and implements its interventions in Morogoro region.


  • Advocacy
  • Partnership/networking
  • Capacity building
  • Community engagement


We believe that only by working together with partners we can ensure inclusiveness of PWDs and end their vulnerabilities. We understand that our role in any community can only ever be temporary, and we recognize that it is these local partners that will sustain and improve inclusion of PWDs to ensure that they have the same opportunities as everyone else and bring about positive effects on society as a whole. Therefore, we work to make our partnerships positive for every partner. Our partners include:governments, People with disability organization, civil society organizations, communities, private sectors, businesses, academia, and more

Our parteners